Thursday, January 12, 2012

The elephant in the room

Confronting the elephant in the room... I basically avoided the dreaded thing for as long as humanly possible. Alright, not my brightest idea.. and lets face it, I don't encourage any body to live life like this... Don't get me wrong. I love my hubs, and I love the life I have, I just know, outside of this, I know my sexual attractions is to women.

I had an opportunity a few months ago to attend a party of a good friend of mine. She is a lesbian, I took the photos for her union ceremony to her partner. I love her. She really is an amazing person, and over come so much in her life. At this party she asked me to dance, and I tell you what, I have never danced with another women in public, or well, take that back. You dance with your girlfriends at school dances, and clubs, but this was me and her, dancing together. It was great, and the best part, I wasn't embarrassed or paranoid what anyone thought. Granted I was in an entirely different county and didn't know one other person at this party. But, still..

I know, I know, you're probably scratching your head and wondering, um, why would you live a life that doesn't allow you to be who you want to be? Look, I've weighed the pro's and the con's, I've greatly considered ending my current marriage in order to pursue my feelings. But, the thing that keeps me here, is the feeling I get when my husband smiles at me. Or how much I miss him when he isn't with me, and above all.. He truly is my best friend. He knows me better than any one has before. I meen come on, we can speak telepathically just like Lilly and Marshall in 'How I met your Mother"
I am not even kidding... lol, on so many levels is this our relationship. This is why I stay. This is why I love him regardless of how much I am attracted to women. Yes, we have a very active sex life. Come on, I like women, but I'm not a prude.

So, I hope that shines a little more light onto the whole situation, I mean if you were wondering.. Not assuming you were.. Just thought I would share before all the questions came pouring in.

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